Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Lynne has learned: Keyboard Cat

This is something I've stumbled across tonight while those little slices of death evaded me. It's a meme that's been going around, keyboard cat. The setup is this:

1) clip of FAIL
2) Keyboard cat plays its cheerful, catchy tune... mocking said FAIL

It's just that easy... and yet highly entertaining to watch. Below is the best I've seen so far. Watch more clips here.

So, what have I learned?

- FAIL + Keyboard Cat = LOL
- Jesus is Christmas. The mother seems to think the Jesus she believes in died so that we could carry on with our consumerist ways and buy gifts we can't usually afford.
- Even Keyboard Cat can't erase away the FAIL that is going to occur with our credit cards. Catch the story here if you don't know what I'm talking about.

And before I attempt sleep... here one more, brought to you by Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Daily/Colbert - Keyboard Cat
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

"This isn't over cat! I challenge you to keyboards at dawn!"

It's too bad the cat passed away back in 1987, so he cannot take Stephen up on his challenge. RIP Keyboard Cat.


  1. So... this is over?

    I guess we can Keyboard Cat dear Mr. Colbert again. :P

  2. Yes, it's over.
    Keyboard Cat: 1
    Stephen Colbert: 0
    And there's no retribution for Mr. Colbert. >^_^<
