So, at work we have a CMM (Coordinate measuring machine, a Sheffield Cordax HA 11 to be exact) that's been nothing more than a 20,000 lb paper weight for the past few years. There has been attempts to remove it, sell, give it away, and nothing has worked out. So here it sat, taking up about 144 sq ft of lab space. Warp to today. I'm sitting at my desk, wondering how to justify my time at work when we don't have any actual testing to do. (Economic crisis and all... no one seems to have the money to spend on mechanical testing.) So, more as a joke than anything else, I put the CMM up on Craig's List. Note that I've never sold anything on the site, but really, how hard could it be? Given the grammar and spelling that I've seen on the site, I assumed just about anyone could use it. So I posted the CMM up, with picture, under the "FREE" section. Easy as cake. The gist was this: if you can move it, you can have it. I made sure to given specifics about dimensions and estimated weight. On the off chance that someone cared to call or e-mail, I figured it would help to weed out people that couldn't handle the job. Satisfied and amused with myself, I went back to filing paperwork to kill some time. 10 minutes later... the phone starts ringing and I get a couple e-mail's too. Please note that people with more connections and experience than me have tried to get rid of this thing. I put it on Craig's List and BAM! As a friend of mine stated (Hi Zero! *waves*): "You should know better than to be sarcastic on the internets." So true... so true...
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